Why Reading Aloud Matters
We have always read to our children, especially before bed time, but a while ago I picked up the book, The Read-Aloud Family. It completely changed my view on reading aloud to my children. I would even be so bold to say that this book changed parts of the way that I now do my job as the mother to my 3 children.
Slow Down & Savor
There isn’t enough time in the day. So much to do, so little time. Let me do that real quick. Hurry up!
These are all things that we have probably found ourselves saying a time or two (or even everyday). The constant feeling of hurry is something that we have become accustomed to in our everyday life.
Scarcity to Abundance
We have never had much money. We got married when I was 21 and still in college, and then kids followed soon after. We have always had everything that we needed, but there were many years that we didn’t have much, if any, disposable income.
An Unremarkable Summer
Summer is already coming to an end around here. Because of that, I know I am feeling all the feels, but also I am trying to be intentionally reflective about the past couple of months. I’ve tried to give myself space over the past week to sit with these few questions before the school year begins.
Savannah, Ga
A few weekends ago we loaded the kids up and drove 4 hours to Savannah for the weekend. It was such a good trip, and honestly I think it is one of my favorite places that we have been with our whole family.
Begin Again
8 years ago when I was pregnant with my first baby, in the midst of trying to process the new season of life that was inevitably moving closer, I started a blog. It was during the time when everyone had a blog, but most blogs didn’t have a clear direction, just people’s ramblings and inspirations about different things. This is when I started to realize my love for writing, documenting, and creating.